About Us

Our Organization

The Interfaith Action for Social Justice is a Southern California-based fellowship of faith-inspired and progressive-minded Filipino Americans and friends who are committed to the shared tasks of active participation in the collectively pinpointed affairs of social justice advancement here in America and in the Philippines. 

Social teachings of the likes of Christian churches; pronouncements and calls to action of sociopolitical movements with legitimate concerns; and mobilizations launched by joint efforts of all concerned will always be behind the momentum that IASJ has to take. It is human dignity and rights in the social context that make us cause-oriented for the marginalized sectors of society.

April 2022 - Participation in a 'Pr0-Leni Presidency' interfaith gathering in Ontario, California, for a Fair, Clean, and Honest 2022 Philippine Elections

"We must participate in politics because politics is one of the highest forms of charity because it seeks the common good. And Christian lay people must work in politics."

Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church

Vision & Mission Statement

"But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!"

Amos 5:24

Ours is a constant awareness build-up, advocacy, and support movement stirred up by the common and related concerns in the promotion and advancement of social justice in our public life. Our assertions and actions are to be based on the harmony of deep-rooted faith and realistic sense of humanity that we share with like-minded people and groups.